Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Round Two

It's time for another installment of my favorite game, and I hope one of yours.

What the Hell is Happening in this Ad?

I have to credit a friend of mine for sending this to me. On my commute home from work, this popped up on my cell phone with the message : What the f*** is this an ad for?

I have to emphatically agree.

My immediate response was, of course, "take your walrus to school day."

But what the, indeed. One has to question how safe it is to be that close to a large walrus. And in what context this tiny child ended up so near to one. And furthermore, what sordid chain of events led to this situation at all.

I see that the boy and the large-flippered marine mammal are clearly sharing a tender moment. But for some reason, despite his beaming smile, I personally can't get over the massive head and tusks that are, alone, four times that child's entire body mass.

I think this ad is supposed to evoke positive emotions, but mine are, as usual, ones of general confusion. I would like to think it's an ad for an aquarium or zoo of some kind, but that is probably just wishful thinking. It's most likely for laundry detergent.

But more importantly, can anyone read the blurry kana? And yes or no, what do you think this ad is about?

1 comment:

  1. Ah fun!

    The kana says, "よく来てくれた!”、”まってたよ!”, which is to say, "Thank you for coming!", "I've been waiting for you!".

    I can't read what's written at the bottom, but for the sake of sanity, let's say it's a famous walrus that is premiering at Tokyo Zoo?

    But ofcourse, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be a retro ad calling on dads to grow walrus moustaches! That'd be a lot more fun!
